Take part in the Young Scholar competition and be recognised for your top academic achievements in the field of GIS with the ‘Esri Young Scholar Award Germany’ or the ‘Esri Young Scholar Award Switzerland’.
The Esri Young Scholar Award will be presented at an Esri user conference (e.g., Esri International User Conference, 14-18 July 2025). The trip is part of the grand prize. Join us to network with Young Scholar winners from other countries, gain new experience, and learn about the latest trends in the GIS world!
Would you like to win the next Esri Young Scholar Award and have you done a scientific project with relevance? Have you dealt with a particularly tricky technical issue and utilised new technologies or innovative solutions? Then apply.
Application window 2025 is open!
1st prize
- Travel, accommodation, meals and tickets to attend the Esri International User Conference (14 – 18 July 2025)
- Unique exchange and networking with other Young Scholars from all over the world
- Exhibition of a poster of your own academic work in the Map Gallery
- Presentation of the Esri Young Scholar Award by Jack Dangermond, founder and president of Esri Inc.
When and where to submit?
- The closing date for submissions is 15 March 2025
- Abstract and link by e-mail to education@esri.ch
- Subject: Esri Young Scholar 2025
Who can participate?
- All those who have written their seminar paper, project or final thesis at a German or Swiss university or college that is related to ArcGIS products.
- Anyone who submits this work with the following documents:
- a PDF file of the work
- and a link to the results (e.g. application, interactive web map or StoryMap)
- an abstract (max. 1,000 words, in English) – briefly defend your work to the jury here, we don’t want a scientific abstract and no AI text ;)!
Do you need more motivation to apply?
Virginia and Oliver were the winners in 2023. In their article, they report on their many impressions and experiences. They were able to take home not only the award, but also many unforgettable experiences and interesting encounters.

You can find more information (in German) about the Esri Young Scholar Award and the winners of recent years here:
- ESRI UC 2022 in San Diego – The mappiest place on earth
- Video: Was ist der Young Scholar Award? – GIS IQ Blog (esri.de)
- Young Scholar Award Verleihung in San Diego – GIS IQ Blog (esri.de)
- Esri Young Scholar Award 2021: wir präsentieren Euch die Gewinner*innen – GIS IQ Blog
- Esri Young Scholar Award 2020: Die diesjährigen Gewinner des Wettbewerbs aus Deutschland und der Schweiz – GIS IQ Blog
- Rückblick der Esrikon aus der Sicht von Virginia Molin